My super best friend and I cosplay as You and Gackt and make retarded lil' videos. I"m You-chan and she's gackt. we just did these for a little fun, hope you guys like them ^^
My friend and I made a video where we were pretending to be Gackt and You, kind of a lil' glimpse in the relationship WE ALL KNOW exists. It's kind of retarded but we thought it was funny.
ps- I'm playing as You, and my Best friend is playing as Gackt.
At last, whoops! sorry for the delay, it's time for Tour 2004! Our YOU all sweaty & playful with SOOOO MANY close-ups that I fell in love with his beauty all over again...le sigh
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The biggest squee of my week was getting to see PB VIII. It's Gackt/You city! :) Sure GacktJob was featured throughout the vid, but so many segments focused around You or GacktxYou - it made me a major happy screencapper
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Carrying on with the You-goodies, folks! Next up? Tour 2003! No dreads in sight, this go around. Nope. Blond waves - very artfully styled. :) (One of my favorite of You's do's
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